MCU Fandom

Welcome to the Marvel, particularly MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) fandom.

I may do subsequent posts about particular character fandoms, such as Loki and Spider-Man.

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The best part of this fandom is how loving and accepting everyone is. It makes sense because with such a vast variety of characters and movies there’s something to suit everybody. My movie preferences will be completely different to the next fan. All the MCU movies I enjoy most are ones which feature Loki or Spider-Man or a group of characters with amusing interactions (e.g. Avengers, Revengers, Guardians of the Galaxy and any team ups).


When fans of pretty much anything Marvel get together fun always ensues.


In my experience Marvel fans connect with movies and character who share similar problems and experiences to themselves. This is why I relate to Loki and Spider-man as explained here.


I believe a lot of people connect with the Spider-verse of characters in the Spider-man franchise because they’re so relatable as I found out here.


Marvel fans come in all ages, shapes, sizes, races, genders and yet they still love each other.


Because the MCU and Marvel fandom in general is so diverse they’re very encouraging any time any on them has an issue they need help with.


I mean It’s hard to find someone who doesn’t like Marvel or who hasn’t heard of Marvel.


A big part of the reason Marvel is so well known is due to Stan Lee.

Spiderman cover

I mean just how iconic is the above image?


I do admit there is a little rivalry between fans as to which character and/or movie is better, but it’s all just fun.


Overall the Marvel fandom is one of my favourite fandoms.

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